Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck - 982 Words

During the 1930’s, many Americans were victimized by the Great Depression that had fiercely gripped the nation. Millions of people had no steady income and were forced to travel all around the country in search of a job that might support them for a little while longer. Most of these people had a similar goal; they all had a dream of reaching a heavenly place where they don’t need to worry about anything, and they have everything they’ve ever wanted. This is also what George and Lennie feel like in the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. These two men wander around Northern California in search for a steady job that would allow them to settle down, and possibly even get them enough money to buy their dream land. However,†¦show more content†¦This shows that Lennie will kill anything that he gets his hands on, including the dream. Another symbol that emphasizes the point of George and Lennie trying to get to their dream land is when Whit and Georg e are playing a game of cards, and Whit makes a remark about when George and Lennie start to work. â€Å"George shuffled the cards noisily and dealt them. Whit drew a scoring board to him and set the pegs to start. Whit said, ‘I guess you guys really come here to work.’† (49) During this conversation, the cards symbolize the game of life, and shows that they are dealing with their entire life’s dreams, not just of the present. The game of cards being laid out, ready to play, also symbolizes George laying out a plan of how to reach their ultimate dream land. George and Lennie â€Å"come here† to work shows how the two of them are mainly focused on getting their dream land (work) done. All through the novel, George is hinting at his determination in working towards reaching his goal of the dream land. One of these is when George is giving his spiel of how George and Lennie are going to be different from the others, and how they are going to be succes sful in life, unlike all of the other men. â€Å"If them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn. But not us.† (14) This quote shows George’s determination to be different from the rest of the nation, and to actually try toShow MoreRelatedOf Mice and Men by John Steinbeck973 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction: I. Background A. John Steinbeck was born on February 27th, 1902 in Salinas, California. 1. Salinas River was one of the few centers for shipping, farming, and agriculture a. John Steinbeck worked as an employed laborer, digging canals and working beside men similar to characters in his novels. 2. In a discussion John Steinbeck said, I worked in the same country that the story is laid in. The characters are composites to a certain extent. Lennie was a real person. Hes in an insaneRead MoreOf Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck842 Words   |  4 Pages it was not uncommon to become morosely secluded while working. Men would go far away from their families in search of any jobs they could get, with only themselves to confide in; colleagues only filling in the void of friends and family partially. Naturally, John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men, written during this period, would reflect this fact as a major aspect of the story. Loneliness would become the sinew of Of Mice and Men, manifested in some of the story’s main characters: Candy, CrooksRead MoreOf Mice and Men by John Steinbeck1358 Words   |  6 Pagesthis expression to stress the fact that there are and will be difficulties in life. John Steinbeck, in his novella Of Mice and Men, does not fall short of the same views. It takes place in the year 1937, a period associated with the Great Depression, and illustrates the hardships of the time, and more so those that laborers such as George and Lennie experience. Life proves to be full of disappointments for both men who are victims of harsh circumstances in more ways than one. The two have a dreamRead MoreThe And Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck1549 Words   |  7 PagesThis essay will be exploring the role of women in the texts ‘DNA’ by Dennis Kelly and ‘Of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck. Both texts are quite dissimilar for the most part, with ‘DNA’ being a contemporary play, dealing with problems faced by modern youth groups and ‘Of Mice and Men’ being a classic novella. Set in the 1930’s, the novella tells a story of two migrant workers who flee to Salinas, California, for work. In spite of this, both explore the presentation of female characters similarlyRead MoreOf Mi ce And Men By John Steinbeck894 Words   |  4 PagesOf Mice and Men Essay John Steinbeck once said, â€Å"A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us†. In his novella, Of Mice and Men, two men go on an unexpected journey in search for their dream of happiness. There are many themes that come from their journey such as, the gilded American dream, the bond of male friendships, the power of women and femininityRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck1433 Words   |  6 PagesI am writing a literary essay on the novella, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. I will be responding to the question describe an important character and explain how the character helped you understand an important message. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, two characters, Crooks and Curley’s wife, help me understand the message ‘Discrimination isolates people’. The book takes place in Soledad, California, mid 1930’s, during the Great Depression, at a time when discriminationRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck1747 Words   |  7 Pages Of Mice and Men is a tragedy And The Pearl is a parable. Author s Name John Steinbeck -Title of Work #1: Of Mice and Men -Genre: Tragedy -Evidence of Genre (explain what makes the work an example of the genre): Tragedy is a branch of literature that uses a serious and dignified style the sad or unfortunate events encountered or caused by a heroic individual. In Of Mice and Men George and Lennie face a lot of tragic events. -Complete Summary of Work: Of Mice and Men is theRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck1354 Words   |  6 PagesThe novel ‘Of Mice and Men’, written by John Steinbeck, is set near the Salinas River in California, America during the Great Depression between 1930-1939. The Great Depression was a distressing time in the history of America as the unemployment rate was high which in turn led to poverty and hunger. During this time, many struggled to find work and this steered them to travel long distances, often without having anyone to talk to. Dreams were crafted by this travelling workforce and were somethingRead MoreMice Of Men By John Steinbeck785 Words   |  4 Pages It was an hopeless time period. For George in steinbeck s book mice of men by John Steinbeck,it was the great depression.This was a time period of a deep and dark economic downturn that affected the whole country. While the story focuses on George and Lennie s struggles through this hopeless time.They were best buds that got along great. They went to farm to farm as migrant works to get there pay. George had to take care of Lennie throughout the book and pick up the pieces, but lennie was a kindRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck1400 Words   |  6 PagesOf Mice and Men, it is not just a band! Of Mice and Men was originally a short novel written by John Steinbeck in the 1930s. Regardless of the shortness in length, though, it is a rather deep and emotional book with quite a few messages behind the fictional storyline. These messages, however, cannot be discovered right off the bat. To genuinely absorb the messages Steinbeck teaches and actually understand the meaning behind them, one must read the book in its entirety. Steinbeck educates readers

Monday, December 23, 2019

Should We Be Mandatory Sentence Reduction - 870 Words

Mandatory sentence reduction certainly is possible, by simply shifting the focus or scale of the tough on crime indicator when it comes to drugs. We have criminalized Americans for possessing drugs in the war and drugs while in the more egalitarian Europe society simple possession is not even a crime. This translates to America in terms of a potential reduction in sentence, tests, processing, and incarceration costs for all those people arrested and convicted in the war on drugs and which has acted in practice to disproportionately penalize African-Americans. Research does call for high judges such as the Supreme Court to end the traditional and legal precedent of turning a blind eye to race discrimination in the criminal justice system (Alexander, 2011). To this point, research on mass incarceration takes issue with the fact the Court has closed the courthouse doors to claims of racial bias at all stages of the criminal justice process from the levels of justice ranging from stop s and searches to plea bargaining and sentencing. One case, in particular, stands out as drawing the line on expectations of the court to actively address racial bias in sentencing and conviction. This was in McCleskey v. Kemp and United States v. Armstrong, when the Supreme Court made ruled that it could only act or rule on matters of racial bias win the presence of â€Å"only evidence of conscious, intentional racial bias-the sort of bias that is nearly impossible to prove these days in theShow MoreRelatedMandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws Should Be Legal1150 Words   |  5 PagesAs Americans, we live one of the greatest countries in the world. Things are not perfect, but they can range from good to great. However, there is one area that seems to continuously fall behind our great national standard. This area is the level of people that to fill up our prison system. The United States has only five percent of the world s population, but it has houses 25 percent of its prisoners, which is around 2.2 million people (Collier, 2014). One of the main reasons the United StatesRead MoreAgainst Mandatory Sentencing Debate970 Words   |  4 PagesA mandatory sentence is one where judicial discretion is limited by law; those convicted of certain crimes must be punished with at least a minimum number of years in prison. The most famous example of mandatory sentencing is the ‘three strikes and you’re out’ policy adopted first in California in 1994, and now more widespread in the USA. Three strikes laws require life imprisonment for a third criminal conviction, but other forms of mandatory sentencing are now being discussed and implementedRead MoreThe Concept Of Mandatory Sentencing1096 Words   |  5 PagesThe concept of mandatory sentencing is a relatively new idea in the legal field. It was first introduced in 1951 with the Boggs Act, and it made simple marijuana possession a minimum of two to ten years with a $20,000 fine. This was eventually repealed by Congress in 1970, but mandatory sentences came back with the passage of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. Since then, the scope and presence of mandatory sentencing has only grown, especially mandatory sentences for drug related offenses. RecentlyRead MoreThe Growing Problems of the Prison System1013 Words   |  5 Pagesare not popular as they are seen as being soft on crime and as we both know that is not favorably looked upon. Some of the options would provide a temporary decongestion of the prisons while others would be a more long term reduction in inmate populations. After reviewing I believe that there are a few that we could possibly accomplish and still portray an acceptable persona to the public. These few include reviewing the mandatory sentencing laws, education opportunities, good time credits earningRead MoreInvestigating The Roots Of The Prison Industrial Complex1576 Words   |  7 Pagesspending too much money on incarceration of individuals who rece ived long sentences for relatively minor drug crimes, and so by granting amnesty to these 46 prisoners, he hopes to push the drive towards prison reform. This simple action gave four dozen prisoners a second chance at life. This brings Obama’s commutations to 89. Presidential clemency has always been controversial. With George Bush commuting Scooter Libby’s sentence, and Bill Clinton pardoning financier Marc Rich, the American people haveRead MoreMandatory Sentencing For Non Violent Crime1050 Words   |  5 Pagesthis tremendous issue. Mandatory Sentencing To begin, mandatory sentencing for non-violent and drug- related crimes should be eliminated. This law was established to dispose of the drugs masters and to reduce the selling of drugs in neighborhoods. However, this resulted in an adverse effect; with nonviolent drug and first time offenders getting brutal sentences expanding the prison population. Non-violent crime should be dealt with differently; offering instead mandatory rehabilitation and probationRead More Three Strike Laws Essay1731 Words   |  7 PagesThree Strike Laws Mandatory minimums and three strike laws, are they really the answer to the crime problem America has faced for years? Many would say yes, including me, as long as it is for a violent crime such as murder, rape or arson; some feel that even theft, drug trafficking or possession, and burglary are all worthy of the 25-to-life sentence that can be carried under the mandatory minimums for three strike laws. A three-strike law is a law that states that you will be sentencedRead MoreMandatory Minimum Sentences For Nonviolent Drug Crimes Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesMandatory Minimum Sentences For the vast majority of crimes committed in the United States, the fate of those who have been found guilty is left in the hands of a judge, after a trial by jury. However, since the 1950’s the fate of nonviolent drug offenders has been shifted to the hands of the partisan prosecution with the expansion of mandatory sentencing. Mandatory minimum sentencing is a system which sets minimum jail sentences for crimes, which not even judges can overturn. In the decades afterRead MoreOpiate Addiction1214 Words   |  5 Pagesopiate addicts are under age 30, of low socioeconomic status, and poorly educated.† (Zastrow, 267) Education would appear to be a viable solution here, but where does one start? Simply, the addict should be aided with fundamental assistance and training to begin to assimilate, and society at large should be helped to better understand and foster an attitude of understanding and patience based on education that is not fear-based; as has historically been the case. Analogously, this is best summarizedRead MoreArticle Report On Overcrowding Of Prison Overcrowding1074 Words   |  5 Pages Clark, Charles S. Prison Overcrowding. CQ Researcher 4 Feb. 1994: 97-120. Web. 26 Mar. 2016. This article discusses overcrowding in the United States prison system, due in part to mandatory prison sentences. Additionally, this article also discusses the challenges in managing the overpopulation of prisons and gives an objective look at solutions, to include building more prisons, to combat overcrowding. While the author does not include information about himself and his qualifications, his

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Home Cooked vs. Fast Food Free Essays

Benjamin Blackburn Blackburn1 Professor Barnes English 111-16 11/19/2012 Home cooked: Health over Value Instead of putting money towards car or house payments, several thousands of dollars are spent on food purchased away from home in the average American family. The numbers are even more increasing to single status Americans. Don’t get me wrong, I like fast food, but it doesn’t come close to a home cooked meal. We will write a custom essay sample on Home Cooked vs. Fast Food or any similar topic only for you Order Now Home cooked meals are comfort foods that help a family bond. Whether it is a recipe passed down for generations, or culinary discovery made inventive genius, nothing beats a good home cooked meal with family. The main temptation to indulge in fast food is its convenience, especially during a busy work day or long road trips. With less prepare time, fast food chooses frozen foods that are shipped to location. Although there are food chains who advertise â€Å"fresh, never frozen†, these companies are not purchasing these â€Å"fresh† products from a local, reputable supplier. Adding to fast foods convenience, these chains have to take short cuts to deliver hot food, fast! Home cooked meals may not have a convenient drive-thru, but prepping fresh meats and vegetables the night before can alleviate long prep and cooking times. We all know that fast food sales for a reasonable price. Even when there is an increase in economy, they tend to remain at those prices in order to entice the customer. When some time Blackburn 2 passes, and things seem normal in economy, then they will increase prices slightly. It is my belief that fast food wants Americans to know they are suffering with them, therefore winning the people’s choice. Happy customers make for good business, with fewer complaints. Although home cooked meals seem much more expensive than McDonalds, health plays a bigger part. Having and growing a personal garden can cut these prices down to fractions that not even fast food can compare to, not to mention more nutritious. Belief in the value for a buck is not reason enough to set aside nutritional values. Most families put their trust in Betty Crocker and Stouffers from local grocery stores. These â€Å"convenience foods† are cheap alternatives to fast food but contain as much sugar, sodium, and saturated fat as eating out. Using fresh ingredients, you are more able to control the amount of harmful ingredients used in cooking. As a matter of opinion, you know what is being put in your meals. When looking at fast food from a health stand point, salads from McDonalds contain as many calories as their best-selling Big Mac when you add salad dressing. Although fast food offers health alternatives, they are not all as healthy as they seem. With America’s increase of obesity each year, home cooking is more nutritious and clean. Plus, the fact that you are able to spend quality time with family and friends. Coming from a single parent home, I was able to do homework at the kitchen table and as my mother helped me, she would also keep a close eye on the stove while preparing meals for me and my sister. Cooking is bonding time! Eating out felt like vacations when I was growing up. It was a reward for a tough week at school. We as Americans have become lazy, and are taking the easy way out far too often. Packing a healthy snack consisting of fruits and sandwiches made at home can Blackburn 3 prevent the craving for fast food while on a road trip. The same can also be applied to working lives. Home cooked meals are not just the healthy choice, they are the better choice. How to cite Home Cooked vs. Fast Food, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Demand for a Low Calorie Food Company

Question: Using the demand and supply function, the equilibrium point of the market would be estimated along with the various factors that would impact the market dynamics for the company. Answer: Introduction The main aim of the given research is to estimate the demand for a low calorie food company based upon the given information. Besides the estimation of demand function, an essential objective of the given report is to comment on the point elasticity which can eventually shed light with regards to the most effective pricing strategies. Additionally, using the demand and supply function, the equilibrium point of the market would be estimated along with the various factors that would impact the market dynamics for the company. Determination of the individual elasticities The regression equation for demand of widgets is as shown below. The respective standard errors are shown in brackets immediately below the given coefficient. Further, other critical information such as coefficient of determination and the F-value have also been provided. QD = - 5200 - 42P + 20PX+ 5.2I + 0.20A + 0.25M (2.002) (17.5) (6.2) (2.5) (0.09) (0.21) R2 = 0.55, n=26 and F = 4.88 Further, based on the given input information about the various independent variables in the regression equation, the estimate of the quantity demanded is as shown below. QD = -5200 42*500 + 20*600 + 5.2*5500 + 0.2*10000 +0.25*5000 = 17,650 Price elasticity of demand = (P/Q)*(dQ/dP) = (500/17650)*(-42) = -1.19 The price elasticity as expected is negative and thus complies with the law of demand i.e. as the price rises, the demand of the product would fall. A negative elasticity also indicates the given product is a normal good and not an inferior good. Besides, the magnitude of elasticity is indicative of the fact that a unit percentage change in price would alter the demand by 1.19 percent in the opposite direction of the change in price. A magnitude of more than 1 indicates that price elasticity is positive (Krugman Wells, 2013). Cross price elasticity of product = (PX/Q)*(dQ/dPX) = (600/ 17650) * 20 = 0.68 The price elasticity of competitors product is positive which clearly indicates that the products are substitutes. As a result, an increase in the price of competitors product by a unit percentage would lower the demand of the competitors product and thus enhance the demand of the companys product by 0.68 percent as consumers would search for cheaper alternatives. A price elasticity of less than 1 indicates relative inelasticity (Nicholson Snyder, 2011). Income elasticity of product = (I/Q)*(dQ/dI) = (5500/ 17650) * 5.2 = 1.62 A positive income elasticity indicates that the given product is normal since the demand increases with increase in income levels. Further, the quantum of income elasticity indicates that a unit percentage change in income levels would lead to an increase of 1.62 percent in demand (Mankiw, 2014). Elasticity of advertising expenditure = (A/Q) * (dQ/dA) =(10000 / 17650) * 0.20 = 0.113 A magnitude of less than 1 indicates that the demand is inelastic ad a unit percentage increase in advertisement expenditure would lead to increase in the quantity demanded by a meagre 0.113% (Pindyck Rubinfeld, 2001). Elasticity of supermarket microwave sales = (M/Q) *(dQ/dM) = (5000/17650)*0.25 = 0.071 It is apparent from the above that a unit percent change in the ovens quantity bought is supermarkets would change the quantity demanded by 0.071% and hence the demand is inelastic (Samuelson Marks, 2003). Implications of individual elasticity for pricing The price elasticity of the product in the given case is -1.19. Further cross elasticity, income elasticity and elasticity of the demand of the product with regards to the other factors is inelastic since the respective elasticity coefficients have a magnitude of less than 1. Thus, the underlying price of the product is the most critical parameter that tends to impact the demand of the product (Mankiw, 2014). With regards to decision on price cut, it is advised that company should not go ahead and cut the price. This is primarily because the percentage increase in the quantity caused by the percentage decrease in the price of the product would lead to enhanced revenues for the company but may not generate higher profits for the company as shown below. This is illustrated using the following example (Krugman Wells, 2013). Total Revenue = Price * Quantity Sold Let the current unit price be $ 10 while the corresponding quantity sold is 1000. Let us assume that the total unit cost is $ 5. Hence, current revenue = 1000*10 = $10,000 Current profit = 1000*(10-5) = $ 5,000 Now, let us assume that the company decreases the price by 10% i.e. from $ 10 to $ 9. This would increase the corresponding quantity sold by 11.9% and hence the sales would become 1119 units. Thus, new revenue = 1119*9 = 10,071 New profit = 1119*(9-5) = $ 4476 As is evident, even though the overall sales are higher, but the absolute profits and profitability margins have declined. Thus, unless the increase in market share can offset this loss in profitability in the long run, price cur must not be resorted on purely on sales consideration (Pindyck Rubinfeld, 2001). Estimating equilibrium market conditions The quantity demanded can be estimated for different prices using the regression equation provided. Since P is the only variable in the question as other variables are constant, hence the regression equation can be written in a simplified format by substituting the given values of other variables (Nicholson Snyder, 2011). Hence, QD = 38650 42P Thus, QD (P=100) = 38650 42 (100) = 34450 QD (P=200) = 38650 42 (200) = 30250 QD (P=300) = 38650 42 (300) = 26050 QD (P=400) = 38650 42 (400) = 21850 QD (P=500) = 38650 42 (500) = 17650 QD (P=600) = 38650 42 (600) = 13450 The above values of the quantity demanded for various price levels is summarised in the form of following demand function graph. The supply function for the given product is given by Q = -7909.89 + 79.1P Hence, QS (P=100) = -7909.89 + 79.1(100) = 0.11 QS (P=200) = -7909.89 + 79.1(200) = 7910.11 QS (P=300) = -7909.89 + 79.1(300) = 15820.11 QS (P=400) = -7909.89 + 79.1(400) = 23730.11 QS(P=500) = -7909.89 + 79.1(500) = 31640.11 QS(P=600) = -7909.89 + 79.1(600) = 39550.11 The market equilibrium is reached at a point where the demand function and supply function coincide as demonstrated graphically below. The equilibrium point can be mathematically determined by equating the demand and supply functions as shown below (Mankiw, 2014). 38650 42 P = 7909.89 + 79.1P Solving the above, we get P = $ 253.84 Further, equilibrium, quantity = 38650 42(253.84) = 27988.72 or 27,989 approximately. Significant factors impacting demand and supply function One of the key determinants for low calorie food would be consumer incomes as is apparent from the cross income elasticity. Other factors impacting the demand of low calorie food are the price of the competitors product offering along with the oven sales. However, an additional variable in this regard is the change in consumer preferences and the underlying health consciousness amongst the consumers. Besides, education levels can be a key determinant of demand for low calorie food since educated people in general have healthier food choices (Krugman Wells, 2013). A low coefficient of determination of 0.55 also indicates that the given independent variables only explain 55% of the change in the product demand and thus 45% of the demand changes in the low calorie food are not represented by the current regression equation. The increase in income level of consumers would cause a rightward shift in demand while decrease in income levels would result in a leftward shift. Besides, increas e in the competitors product would increase the demand for companys product and cause a rightward shift (Nicholson Snyder, 2011). References Krugman, P. Wells, G. (2013), Microeconomics (3rd ed.), London: Worth Publishers Mankiw, G. (2014), Microeconomics (6th ed.), London: Worth Publishers Nicholson, W. Snyder, C. (2011), Fundamentals of Microeconomics (11th ed.), New York: Cengage Learning Pindyck, R. Rubinfeld, D. (2001), Microeconomics (5th ed.), London: Prentice-Hall Publications, Samuelson, W. Marks, S. (2003), Managerial Economics (4th ed.). New York Wiley Publications,

Friday, November 29, 2019

We would like to extend an offer for your unit to Essays

We would like to extend an offer for your unit to march in the 2018 Mardi Gras Parade of the Krewe of Iris. For marching in this parade you will receive an honorarium of $1000 for the Band and $500 for the Band Director which will be mailed to you at the below address within one week after the parades. The invitation to participate in the above-mentioned parades is for your unit alone and does not include any other unit marching or riding with you. In order to reserve your spot, please fill out the form below and return it to us. Your spot is not reserved until we receive this completed form and send you back a copy with our signature. Additionally, you agree to the following items: . The parade Krewes do not allow motorized vehicles to accompany any units in the parade unless special permission is obtained. . As the band director of Samuel J. Green Charter School you are responsible for the proper performance, discipline and behavior of the entire unit, including drill teams, marching groups, majorettes, band members, chaperones, guards, equipment or vehicle operators (if authorized), and any other personnel accompanying your unit. . New Orleans law states no one under the age of 12 is allowed to march in a Mardi Gras parade. You certify that no child marching in your unit will be under the age of 12. . If you have to cancel your participation in this parade, please inform us immediately. Two or three weeks before the parades, we will send you final and complete instructions. If you are an out-of-town unit, please begin immediately to make arrangements for your housing. What space is available is limited and goes quickly. We have relationships with several hotels that offer preferred rates to our bands. We can share this hotel information if needed. If you need any information before that time, feel free to call us. _________________________________________ __________________________________(______) DIRECTOR (SIGNED) SCHOOL'S NAME & NUMBER IN THE UNIT _________________________________________ __________________________________________ DIRECTOR'S HOME ADDRESS SCHOOL ADDRESS _________________________________________ __________________________________________ CITY, STATE CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE (UNIT) _________________________________________ __________________________________________ CELL PHONE # (DIRECTOR) SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER _________________________________________ __________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS SCHOOL FAX NUMBER _________________________________________ __________________________________________ MARDI GRAS PARADE BANDS, LLC (SIGNED) DATE ----------------------- [pic] Mardi Gras Parade Bands II 448 Pearre Springs Way Franklin, TN 37064 [emailprotected] Michael Gonzales [emailprotected] Matthew Gonzales [emailprotected] Meagan Gonzales [emailprotected] Christa Gonzales [emailprotected]

Monday, November 25, 2019

Kevin Wormell Essay Example

Kevin Wormell Essay Example Kevin Wormell Essay Kevin Wormell Essay Begin with three sections about yourself that explain your growth as a speaker over the semester. These opening statements should do the following: a. Reflect on your initial goals for the course b. Evaluate your progress, including unexpected areas of growth and learning c. Indicate what elements of speaking you hope to continue to improve on after the course 2. Then, for the majority of the paper, discuss your choices for your five major speeches (and don’t forget to include the Focus Groups! ). These five speeches were: Introduction, Personal Narrative, Informative, Persuasive, and Final Speech. What does your collection of speeches reveal about your speaking in this class? Did the words flow fairly easily or was it difficult? What was your hardest and easiest speech? Most importantly, this paper should include your person observations on your experience giving speeches over the semester; in other words, your reflections on the specific topics and issues that interested you (and you can certainly include other people in the class’s topics – not just your own! , questions about these topics, and critical thinking opportunities to investigate the nature of public speaking as a whole. Please discuss the fill, The Great Debaters, or any of the Def Jam poets, as well. You may also discuss the campus speakers if you saw them. Remember to refer to textbook lessons, class discussions, and handouts, if relevant. 1A. My initial goals for this semester in your public spe aking class were simply to gain more confidence in myself to become a better public speaker. Also another goal was to become more active in making new friends and conversing out of my comfort zone. Not only that, I wanted to be able to talk/speak in front of a crowd without letting my nerves and the fear of speaking overcome me. Finally, I had another mini goal of gaining more knowledge toward the subject of public speaking, whether it was studying on certain subjects to better my vocabulary or learning about certain aspects of the form of speaking. 1B. So the first speech we had was on describing myself to the rest of my class, which was very nerve-racking on its own, but when I stepped up there I noticed that it wasn’t what I was expecting it to be. I felt I gained more confidence after the first speech to my surprising and I was capable of going up in front of the class and speaking easily. I have now learned that I can relax easier while speaking in front of people and that it’s not so hard to just randomly speak to a random person about something. 1C. Elements that I hope to keep improving on is to speak more clearly and not stutter so much or double up my words and sentences. Also I hope to continue to speak longer and more intellectually when speaking to higher powers, family, etc. . My first speech was the introduction speech. I decided to talk about myself as a sneaker collector, also that I work at Champs Sports and that Drake was my favorite musical artist. Also that I liked the TV show ‘Family Guy† and that basketball was my favorite hobby and thing to do when I was super-duper bored. My next speech was the Personal Speech/Narrative. I talked about the tragic time that I almost drowned in the swimmin g pool in the deep end at my old boys’ scout summer camp. This was a very frightening time in the beginning of my long life that I will not ever forget for my entire life. I spoke about every second of that day in high detail and how the incident happened to me and that everyone did nothing to help me. This moment was a very emotional disappointment for me from not one person even acknowledging me when it happened. The 3rd speech was the informative/how to speech. I spoke about the evolution of the Jordan Brand and the first 8 sneakers that the brand ever produced. They were worn by the greatest basketball player of all-time, Michael Jordan. I also spoke about each shoe in detail and how they were made and what were special about them. Also, I gave facts about what happened and the events that Jordan participated in the desired shoe I was currently talking about and gave pictures of the shoes throughout the PowerPoint. Finally I gave a couple funny fun facts about Michael Jordan that not a lot of people would know about, saying that he gets a manicure every two weeks and that he gets a pedicure every month. The 4th speech was the Persuasive speech. I chose not to complete this speech and not show up to class because I felt like I was not fully prepared to complete the desired speech. I researched forever on the topic of the 9/11 conspiracy but decided to terminate my research because I felt like I could not find any valid points to either be pro-conspiracy or anti-conspiracy and that I had no real proof of the subtopics if people asked difficult questions about arguing about my topic, which was an important part of the speech, to back up my evidence. The 5th speech was the focus group and I chose the topic of Should prostitution be legalized or not. I chose to be anti-prostitution for the fact that prostitution is not only degrading to women but also that it is just outright ridiculous. Not only is it bad for the economy if it was legalized, but it would also raise the divorce rate in the united states and I also believe that it would ruin the economy with all the sales tax that it would bring to this nation’s economy. My final speech of the semester was a how to speech on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This speech was a pretty goofy and funny speech that I just pulled out of my buttocks, but I felt like a knocked it out of the park, give EVERY SINGLE little step on how to prepare to make the sandwich and also how to make the sandwich. I even gave everyone a funny video on YouTube on how to make the sandwich as well, and also gave fun facts about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, that February 12th is National Peanut Butter and Jelly day, and finally that there was a record made for the biggest PBamp;J sandwich that weighed over 1,342 pounds! The film â€Å"The Great Debaters† really caught my eye on how to become a better debater and also to become a better man and to fix up my vocabulary, and finally to become and achieve whatever I want to as long as I put my hardest work in. It also showed me how a little kid like me from a town in the middle of nowhere in Woburn, MA could actually make it far and become one of the best individuals in the world. The def. am poets were also very interesting to me too because of the words that they said and how they developed a poem out of them. Their choices of words were not only unorthodox, but also very clear and inspirational. This semester was a very good experience for me as a student, and even though I didn’t want to take Public Speaking I had to and I finished it with pride. I want to thank you professor Herget for making me a better individual and helping me reach my potential to become a better public speaker

Friday, November 22, 2019

AA Meeting Review Essay Example for Free

AA Meeting Review Essay ? Walking into the AA meeting made me feel very awkward and out of place, but as the meeting began and everyone started sharing their stories I began to feel comfortable about being there. When I first went in the room the chairs were set up in a circle with some on the outside of it. I decided to take a seat on the outside so I wouldn’t be of focus during the meeting. They started the meeting off with reading some inspirational words and then reading the 12 steps. Their focus tonight was on a higher power and how believing in that higher power helps you stay sober. After brief introductions and stating their names, they began discussion and whoever wanted to speak had the opportunity to do so. Listening to all of their stories was really interesting. Almost all of the members have been sober for at least 30 days and more and about four people were just recently sober, with one being sober only three days now. One of the member’s stories really stood out to me. He said that he has been an alcoholic for years now, but always believed he can cure himself and control how many drinks he has. He mentioned that he went out last week with his buddies and wasn’t able to stop himself from going overboard with the drinking. He said he was in a blackout for four days and lost his job. That’s why he ended up at the treatment center; he said he realized that it isn’t possible to be a social drinker when you are an alcoholic. During his story he explained how he had the shakes and the classic withdrawal symptoms and I began to think about what I had learned in class and related it. Another member’s story was about social drinking. She said that her friend was coming home that she knew from college and wanted to get together. She thought about the friendship and realized that she wasn’t a friend and that she was just an old party buddy. She explained that she has a whole new group of sober friends that she hangs out with and that she can’t hang out with her old friends of whom she always went out and drank with. She started saying how she realized she doesn’t even like the sport of football and that she always went out to bars to watch it with friends because it was a time for social drinking. It brought to light that anything can become an excuse for people to partake in social drinking and too much social drinking can turn into alcoholism for some people. Another patient mentioned that she had her first drink at four years old and was in treatment by ten. I was really perplexed by that comment, thinking how could somebody even know what alcohol is at the age of four. She didn’t elaborate on what or how it happened, so I was just left in shock by that. There were many other stories told and I felt good after hearing all of them. It’s so nice to see everybody get close with each other and be there for one another when they’re having a bad day or week. They celebrate the landmarks of each other’s length of sobriety and that’s really heartwarming to see. They ended the meeting with the 12 promises and a prayer. Overall, after getting over the initial feeling of awkwardness, it was a successful experience and got to hear about the personal effects of alcohol on their lives. AA Meeting Review. (2016, Oct 26).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


RESEARCH METHODS (PILOT STUDY REPORT) - Coursework Example iagnosed with obesity and diabetes 2 are Native Americans, blacks and Hispanics, where rate of obesity reaches upto 70%, and this has been accredited to their deprived economic conditions. Obesity and diabetes are among the vigorously growing health problems faced by Americans. The prevalence in obesity rates has caused massive cases of diabetes 2 which in turn causes amputations, hypertension and blindness, and also increases chances of developing depression, cancer, heart disease, asthma, immobility and arthritis. Allowing the current rates of obesity to continue increasing implies that America will be trailing on a perilous track. Moreover, the obesity endemic, if left unimpeded, will contravene the substantial progress made in life expectancy and health in the recent decades (Klein et al., 2004). Certainly, if current and future generations are to live longer, healthy and exhilarating lives, this cosmic problem must be contained through effective policy formulation and implementation. Obesity costs the nation over $160 billion in direct therapeutic costs every year. Estimates indicate that yearly medical expenditures can be plummeted by between 7-12% if the government succeeds to eradicate obesity and diabetes 2 (Levine, 2011). Additionally, through Medicare and Medicaid, a substantial fraction of this cost is financed by assiduous taxpayers and this affects both federal and state budgets and significantly hinders meaningful economic development. It is too costly to overlook the skyrocketing premature deaths resulting from obesity and obesity-associated chronic diseases. Consequently, this pilot study seeks to explore the state government’s role in regulating obesity. It will seek to explore whether the policies of developing EMR system that back diabetes prevention, guaranteeing parity of mental and physical health services, promoting active lifestyles, increasing Medicaid funding for obesity and diabetes, and regulating the diet of Americans are

Monday, November 18, 2019

Three Questions on Ultrasound (500 words per question) Term Paper

Three Questions on Ultrasound (500 words per question) - Term Paper Example In the Spatial Substance Picture strategy, pictures of an item are taken from different perspectives, and then are mixed to form an averaged picture quickly. This picture gives the better representation of the item, finding all the minute details. The resulting picture is the compound picture, displaying better picture quality as compared to the traditional ultrasound examination pictures. A study of research of difference reveals that the spatial compound imaging gives better meaning for the soft-tissue of the body with reduced disturbance distortions, in evaluation to the traditional top quality sonographic ultrasound examination The drawback of speckle reduction in compound sonography is overcome by the frequency compound imaging, using higher harmonics of frequencies. The conventional sonography is performed on lower harmonics, which are more probable to the speckle noise effect, thus altering the sonogram information. The using of advanced harmonics in frequency compound imaging ensures that a much wider bandwidth of the transducer frequency is achieved, where the received frequency is double the intensity of the transmitted frequency. Therefore, the echo of the transmitted sound wave that is reflected back after striking a tissue is stronger in the case of frequency compound imaging, thus generating a clearer image (Chan & Perlas, 2011). Also in the diagnosis of deeper organs and lesion, the 3D/ 4D techniques are very useful, as it has a simple and reproducible methodology. This makes it easier to get the image of the same organ at different intervals (Layyous, 2012). The multi beam technique generates multiple lines of the transmitted beam to be sent at once from the probe. These multiple lines then overlap when several beams have been sent, and carry the detailed information about the test organ. They are then separated in the reconstruction stage of the analysis where all the information is dealt separately. The

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Admission Essay Essay Example for Free

Admission Essay Essay As a student who wants to join your school after my graduation, I possess very high skills that will enable me to conquer the opportunities available in the real life scenario and especially in the co curricular activities that I will be involved in. My experiences comprise of a one year internship as a department manager from the year 2007 to 2008 and a presidential out of state academic scholarship. As a new student in your college I dedicate myself to commitment to the rules of the college and promise to further my knowledge as a manager to the best of my ability utilizing all the resources that are available. Prior to winning the presidential scholarship, I decided to turn the further offers down because of my devotion in my academic pursues. Besides my dedication in academics, I am also fond of voluntary work. I love doing this with little supervision and with all the trust from my heart. During my course in high I managed to do a voluntary service with conjunction with the Golf team and the XC team. Through this I gained a lot of experience and also got a chance to understand what it entails doing a voluntary work i. See more: Unemployment problems and solutions essay e. doing some work with all the heart without expecting some compensation. I also love community services. I participated in a community service of teaching tennis lessons in my high school and I did it with a lot of joy like any other person who has received an internship with an NGO. This is because community work is often unofficially witnessed and unrecognized. My motivation for working for the community services is clear. I have been a player of tennis for the better part of my study in high school. Since my proficiency in tennis was proved with a placement for tennis scholarship, with the most reputable institution worldwide, I offer myself to develop positively amidst the challenges and strengths that will come on my way. The community services and voluntary activities that I engaged myself in, to me aid in understanding myself and realizing my dreams. According to me for one to succeed, he needs to be ambitious, curious and eager in getting what he wants.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

On Dis-ease :: essays research papers

<a href="http://www.geocities.com/vaksam/">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites We are all terminally ill. It is a matter of time before we all die. Aging and death remain almost as mysterious as ever. We feel awed and uncomfortable when we contemplate these twin afflictions. Indeed, the very word denoting illness contains its own best definition: dis-ease. A mental component of lack of well being must exist SUBJECTIVELY. The person must FEEL bad, must experience discomfiture for his condition to qualify as a disease. To this extent, we are justified in classifying all dieases "spiritual" or "mental". Is there any other way of distinguishing health from sickness - a way that does NOT depend on the report tha the patient provides regarding his subjective experience? Some diseases are manifest and others are latent or immanent. Genetic diseases can exist - unmanifested - for generations. This raises the philosophical problem or whether a potential disease IS a disease? Are AIDS and Hemophilia carriers - sick? Should they be treated, ethically speaking? They experience no dis-ease, they report no symptoms, no signs are evident. On what moral grounds can we commit them to treatment? On the grounds of the "greater benefit" is the common response. Carriers threaten others and must be isolated or otherwise neutered. The threat inherent in them must be eradicated. This is a dangerous moral precedent. All kinds of people threaten our well-being: unsettling ideologists, the mentally handicapped, many politicians. Why should we single out our physical well-being as worthy of a privileged moral status? Why is our mental well being, for instance, of less import? Moreover, the distinction between the psychic and the physical is hotly disputed, philosophically. The psychophysical problem is as intractable today as it ever was (if not more so). It is beyond doubt that the physical affects the mental and the other way around. This is what disciplines like psychiatry are all about. The ability to control "autonomous" bodily functions (such as heartbeat) and mental reactions to pathogenes of the brain are proof of the artificialness of this distinction. It is a result of the reductionist view of nature as divisible and summable. The sum of the parts, alas, is not always the whole and there is no such thing as an infinite set of the rules of nature, only an asymptotic approximation of it. The distinction between the patient and the outside world is superfluous and wrong.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ibn Battuta

Ibn Battuta Muhammad ibn Battuta (1304-ca. 1368) was a Moorish traveler whose extensive voyages as far as Sumatra and China, southern Russia, the Maldives, the East African coast, and Timbuktu made him one of the greatest medieval travelers. Muhammad ibn Battuta was born in Tangier. His family was of Berber origin and had a tradition of service as judges. After receiving an education in Islamic law, Ibn Battuta set out in 1325, at the age of 21, to perform the obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca and to continue his studies in the East. He reached Mecca in 1326 by way of Egypt and Syria. This journey aroused in him the passion to see the world. From Mecca he made a trip to Iraq and western Persia as far as Tabriz and in 1327 returned via Baghdad to Mecca, where he spent the next 3 years. Ibn Battuta then traveled by ship along the Red Sea shores to Yemen and from Aden to Mogadishu and the East African trading ports. He returned by way of Oman and the Persian Gulf to Mecca in 1332. Next he passed through Egypt and Syria and by ship reached Anatolia, where he visited local Turkish rulers and religious brotherhoods. He crossed the Black Sea to the Crimea in the territories of the Golden Horde and visited its khan in the Caucasus. He then journeyed to Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde east of the lower Volga, and then through Khwarizm, Transoxiana, and Afghanistan to the Indus valley. From 1333 to 1342 Ibn Battuta stayed at Delhi, where Sultan Muhammad ibn Tughluq gave him a position as judge, and then he traveled through central India and along the Malabar coast to the Maldives. His next trip took him to Ceylon, back to the Maldives, Bengal, Assam, and Sumatra. He landed in China at the port of Zayton and probably reached Peking. Returning via Sumatra to Malabar in 1347, he took a ship to the Persian Gulf. He revisited Baghdad, Syria, Egypt, Mecca, and Alexandria, traveled by ship to Tunis, Sardinia, and Algeria, and reached Fez by an overland route in 1349. After a visit to the Moslem kingdom of Granada, he made a final trip through the Sahara to the black Moslem empire on the Niger, returning to Fez in 1354. During his travels Ibn Battuta sometimes lost his diaries and had to rewrite them from memory. His travel book was written from his reports by Ibn Juzayy, a man of letters commissioned by the ruler of Fez. These circumstances may account for some inaccuracies in chronology and itineraries and other shortcomings of the work which affect some parts in particular. However, the book contains invaluable and sometimes unique information on the countries Ibn Battuta visited. Ibn Battuta Ibn Battuta Muhammad ibn Battuta (1304-ca. 1368) was a Moorish traveler whose extensive voyages as far as Sumatra and China, southern Russia, the Maldives, the East African coast, and Timbuktu made him one of the greatest medieval travelers. Muhammad ibn Battuta was born in Tangier. His family was of Berber origin and had a tradition of service as judges. After receiving an education in Islamic law, Ibn Battuta set out in 1325, at the age of 21, to perform the obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca and to continue his studies in the East. He reached Mecca in 1326 by way of Egypt and Syria. This journey aroused in him the passion to see the world. From Mecca he made a trip to Iraq and western Persia as far as Tabriz and in 1327 returned via Baghdad to Mecca, where he spent the next 3 years. Ibn Battuta then traveled by ship along the Red Sea shores to Yemen and from Aden to Mogadishu and the East African trading ports. He returned by way of Oman and the Persian Gulf to Mecca in 1332. Next he passed through Egypt and Syria and by ship reached Anatolia, where he visited local Turkish rulers and religious brotherhoods. He crossed the Black Sea to the Crimea in the territories of the Golden Horde and visited its khan in the Caucasus. He then journeyed to Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde east of the lower Volga, and then through Khwarizm, Transoxiana, and Afghanistan to the Indus valley. From 1333 to 1342 Ibn Battuta stayed at Delhi, where Sultan Muhammad ibn Tughluq gave him a position as judge, and then he traveled through central India and along the Malabar coast to the Maldives. His next trip took him to Ceylon, back to the Maldives, Bengal, Assam, and Sumatra. He landed in China at the port of Zayton and probably reached Peking. Returning via Sumatra to Malabar in 1347, he took a ship to the Persian Gulf. He revisited Baghdad, Syria, Egypt, Mecca, and Alexandria, traveled by ship to Tunis, Sardinia, and Algeria, and reached Fez by an overland route in 1349. After a visit to the Moslem kingdom of Granada, he made a final trip through the Sahara to the black Moslem empire on the Niger, returning to Fez in 1354. During his travels Ibn Battuta sometimes lost his diaries and had to rewrite them from memory. His travel book was written from his reports by Ibn Juzayy, a man of letters commissioned by the ruler of Fez. These circumstances may account for some inaccuracies in chronology and itineraries and other shortcomings of the work which affect some parts in particular. However, the book contains invaluable and sometimes unique information on the countries Ibn Battuta visited. Ibn Battuta Ibn Battuta Muhammad ibn Battuta (1304-ca. 1368) was a Moorish traveler whose extensive voyages as far as Sumatra and China, southern Russia, the Maldives, the East African coast, and Timbuktu made him one of the greatest medieval travelers. Muhammad ibn Battuta was born in Tangier. His family was of Berber origin and had a tradition of service as judges. After receiving an education in Islamic law, Ibn Battuta set out in 1325, at the age of 21, to perform the obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca and to continue his studies in the East. He reached Mecca in 1326 by way of Egypt and Syria. This journey aroused in him the passion to see the world. From Mecca he made a trip to Iraq and western Persia as far as Tabriz and in 1327 returned via Baghdad to Mecca, where he spent the next 3 years. Ibn Battuta then traveled by ship along the Red Sea shores to Yemen and from Aden to Mogadishu and the East African trading ports. He returned by way of Oman and the Persian Gulf to Mecca in 1332. Next he passed through Egypt and Syria and by ship reached Anatolia, where he visited local Turkish rulers and religious brotherhoods. He crossed the Black Sea to the Crimea in the territories of the Golden Horde and visited its khan in the Caucasus. He then journeyed to Sarai, the capital of the Golden Horde east of the lower Volga, and then through Khwarizm, Transoxiana, and Afghanistan to the Indus valley. From 1333 to 1342 Ibn Battuta stayed at Delhi, where Sultan Muhammad ibn Tughluq gave him a position as judge, and then he traveled through central India and along the Malabar coast to the Maldives. His next trip took him to Ceylon, back to the Maldives, Bengal, Assam, and Sumatra. He landed in China at the port of Zayton and probably reached Peking. Returning via Sumatra to Malabar in 1347, he took a ship to the Persian Gulf. He revisited Baghdad, Syria, Egypt, Mecca, and Alexandria, traveled by ship to Tunis, Sardinia, and Algeria, and reached Fez by an overland route in 1349. After a visit to the Moslem kingdom of Granada, he made a final trip through the Sahara to the black Moslem empire on the Niger, returning to Fez in 1354. During his travels Ibn Battuta sometimes lost his diaries and had to rewrite them from memory. His travel book was written from his reports by Ibn Juzayy, a man of letters commissioned by the ruler of Fez. These circumstances may account for some inaccuracies in chronology and itineraries and other shortcomings of the work which affect some parts in particular. However, the book contains invaluable and sometimes unique information on the countries Ibn Battuta visited.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How Can Events Contribute to Destination Image Enhancement?

Introduction The image of a country or destination is vital to the growth of the nation. By using the right forms of efforts, the destination can be greatly enhanced. Countries used their forte to attract tourists to visit them. While countries with breath-taking scenes, unique cultures or wonders of the world attract their own lovers, others create their very own â€Å"scenes† which are called, events. An event is something that happens in a place and time. A successful event not only benefit in terms of profits, it also enhanced the image of the particular location.In this paper, some successful events will be looked at, telling us how these events sculpt the image of the destination and how they have helped to enhance the image of those destinations. Anuga, Cologne, Germany During World War Two, much of the city of Cologne was destroyed, by the end of the war, only 40,000 people were still living in the city. In 1947, the city was rebuilt, keeping the face of the post-war C ologne. Cologne is also the fourth largest city in Germany and one of the most travelled destination in Europe.Each year, Koelnmesse host more than 50 international trade fairs, attracting two million people. Amongst them are Anuga; the largest food show in the world and Cologne Carnival; known as the â€Å"fifth† season for the locals. In 2011, Anuga 2011 attracted 6596 companies from over 100 countries with a take up rate of 284,000 square meters of space. 86% of which were foreign exhibitors and over 155,000 trade visitors attended the show. Cologne had to accommodate to the influx of visitors each year. Infrastructure was built around the cultural landscape of Cologne to do just that.It is also a one of the most important traffic hub with all high-speed trains stopping there. Accommodations were abundance to house the millions who travel to Cologne for the trade fairs and there was no lack of restaurants and shopping. However, McCannell (1973) questioned the authenticity of what are portrayed to tourists in a destination, the building of such infrastructure may affect the overall landscape of the original Cologne, which is immense in a strong cultural vibe, hence portraying a different kind of city from what it is supposed to be.While the focus is put on international trade fairs for the city, the history had to make way for the development. Cologne has reflected some of the platforms on Jafari (1990). The advocacy platform, â€Å"the good† is the economic benefits that the industry brought, the amount of tourist money spent in the city during the event is high, the hotels benefitted during the period, translating into economic gains.The cautionary platform, â€Å"the bad† indicates the negative impacts which the event may bring to the city in opposition, social problems such as theft becomes common and monuments could be greatly depreciated with more people. The adaptancy platform, â€Å"the how† brings out the good and reduces the bad of the industry, it focused on the host country and at the same time, satisfying the visitors. In order to do so, much of the infrastructure in Cologne builds around the monuments and not demolishing them.In the knowledge based platform, â€Å"the why†, the importance of knowledge is the main point. Anuga, today, has become the must visit or must participate food event of the industry, the co-existing platforms of Jafari (1990) should help enhanced the image of the city. ? Beijing Olympics, China In 2008, the Olympics was held in Beijing, China. Ever since the announcement was made in 2004, China has been in preparation for the event. To do so, Beijing had planned building of stadiums, hotels, malls to house the athletes, coaches as well as audiences from around the world.The now world-renowned â€Å"bird's nest† stadium was built by 7000 workers and can house up to 91,000 audiences at one time. It was reported that China had made a profit of over 1 billion yu an for hosting the 2008 Olympics. These profits came from sales of broadcasting rights, souvenirs, tickets and sponsorship. Countries from around the world compete to host the Olympics to â€Å"put their country on the map† and increased the country's international exposure or to tell the world to anticipate something big from the country, which makes sense to a large extend.China has thus become an emerging huge market for the world, with a huge demand for imported goods as well as a strong presence in the export of China products. The event serves as a trailer to inform the world of its coming. The 2008 Olympics not only created state of the art infrastructure within oriental Beijing, but it also attracts the attention of international stake holders, boosting the image of Beijing, China. F1 Grandprix, SingaporeF1 Grandprix began way back in the early sporting days, it features some of the best race cars in the world and have created legends on the tracks. Today, the race ha s gone on to 19 countries in the world including Singapore. Singapore hosted the F1 Grandprix in 2008, the first ever night race. The television viewership was estimated at 350 million. While many watches the race through various media platforms, some would seek, as said by McCannell. D (1973, 1976), authentic experiences, by visiting the destination to experience the live event.However, Boorstin (1961) would say that the visitors already expected to see what they already know will see. Although it may not make much of difference for viewers as it would just be another race in another country, which is predictable. Ritzer and Liska (1997)'s mcdonaldization would support that, tourism destination or in this case, the event, is predictable, with expensive tickets, similar race tracks, crowded places and even the racers are the same but the Singapore race is unique on its own.By organising the F1 Grandprix in Singapore, the â€Å"Singapore Brand† would greatly benefit from it. I nstead of a normal day race, which many would expect it to be, the race is done at night, which makes it the first ever F1 night race to be held in the world. It would also show the world how Singapore is capable of transforming the busy downtown roads into race tracks for the car racers, in a matter of weeks. This would in turn benefit the tourism sector in Singapore.In an opening statement by Minister in Prime Minister’s Office, Second Minister for Home Affairs and Trade and Industry, Mr S Iswaran, it was said that F1 has helped Singapore attained a firm standing as a global city. From the economic point of view, the race has attracted more than 150,000 international visitors since its first race and approximately $140-$150 million tourism receipts each year. The race would be hosted in Singapore till 2017, in the coming years, the multiplier effect of the race would be significant. ? ConclusionA destination is a place where someone or something is going or being sent, and in this paper, it is the event that attracts people to the destination and at the same time, the event going to various parts of the world through different medium. More often, events are being organised in a single destination to benefit both the country and the organisers, they complement each other in their own ways. Some examples are the events elaborated above, Anuga helps bring in business people from the food industry to Cologne, and Cologne introduces itself to the world through Anuga. The F1 Grandprix in Singapore does the same.In the past, many may not know where Singapore is, some never even heard of the name, but through the hosting of F1 Grandprix, Singapore is able to showcase its wonderful skyline and its much boosted capabilities to the world. These events not only generate popularity to the destination, it also generates revenues, and many intangible benefits which can roll over many years. The three events discussed above has proven that a world-renowned event can contribute to a destination image enhancement and most importantly, allow the destination to inked its identity on the world map.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

New Product Management Essays

New Product Management Essays New Product Management Essay New Product Management Essay 1. INTRODUCTION Apple has recently decided to launch a new idea by offering home-automation system based on the new iPhone technology, called â€Å"electronic butler†. The company is hoping that, based on the brand’s reputation, the home-automation system will be very well received by the customers. The air conditioning begins cooling, lights adjust to people liking, curtains open and the stereo plays soft, soothing jazz. Home-automation system is a new life experience. The 60s and 70s were the decades of the mainframe, the 80s made up the decade of client-server computing, and the 90s were the Internet years. Now Apple is entering the decade of the home-automation system. The home-automation system will have a good business prospects. COMPANY’S BACKGROUND Apple, founded in 1976 by Steven P. Jobs and Steve Wozniak, is not just the world’s largest technology company; it is the world’s most highly valued public company. Over the last decade, Apple has redefined the music business through the iPod, the cellphone business through the iPhone and the entertainment and media world through the iPad. Although, Apple already boasted the largest market value of any public company, on Aug. 0, 2012, it became the most highly valued public company ever. According to numbers from the World Bank, there are only 18 countries that have a GDP above $500 billion, while Apple’s market cap stands at approximately $506 billion. COMPANY’S MISSION STATEMENT It was widely reported that a famous quote from Steve Jobs in the 1980s was the Apple company mission statement: Man is the creator of change in this world. As such he should be above systems and structures, and not subordinate to them. The official mission statement on the Apple corporation website, however, is not really a mission statement at all, but rather a list of products and past accomplishments. â€Å"Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad. †(3) Technology services to the life. I would say that the Apple’s mission statement is in accordance to the new product they want to bring into the market. New product’s purpose is to offer very good quality services that improve the lives of the world’s consumers. 2. OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS POTENTIAL SIZE OF THE MARKET Apple Inc. s success selling consumer gadgets has pushed its share price above $500, cementing its place as the U. S. s largest company, with a market capitalization of $475 billion. Home-automation system is based on the company’s new technology and iPhone, such a large sales and market share will bring new product a good potential size of the market. COMPETITION Apple is pursuing a broad differentiation strategy. Apple differentiates by offering high-quality, exceptional design, and personalized service. The scope of their strategy is broad targeting customers ranging from unsophisticated beginner users to specials needs power-users. Home-automation system is a new market and area, Apple intends to differentiate itself from the competitors by offering brand new home-automation system service that most competitors are not currently offering. Apple can use the new technology and the contact between the system and iPhone to increase competitive advantage. Apple had $127. 8 billion in sales during the 2012 calendar year, putting it neck-and-neck with Hewlett-Packard, the nations largest tech company by revenue. This year, Apple is on pace to become the biggest technology company in the world, measured by revenue, outpacing current global No. 1 Samsung. These two companies are the main competitors of Apple. (1) COMPANY’S RESOURCES Apple’s most important resources and capabilities are Steve Jobs, the CEO, and the integrated system of hardware and software that the firm has developed and successfully marketed to derive value. While Apple’s designers, programmers, and engineers each represent key resources the ability of the firm to exploit their abilities to create their entire software/hardware ecosystem is the firm’s key capability. (1) The Apple stores have provided the company with an important physical presence to act as both a sales location and an advertisement. The stores allow Apple to ightly control the image of the brand and provide excellent customer service. Apple tops many retailers in in-store sales, generating $4,032 per retail square foot per year, beating other retailers like Tiffany Co. at $2,666 and Best Buy at only $930. This is a great display platform for the new product. A good product needs professional design and production. Apple’s incredible industrial des ign capability is a function of their innovative design teams, led by Jonathan Ive, senior vice president of industrial design, and the firm’s prioritization of design and outsourced production. CORPORATE POLICY The new service needs a good social environment. Although companies worldwide are facing the possibility of restrictive carbon emissions regulation, Apple is uniquely positioned to lead the electronics industry in promoting ‘green’ production, while taking full advantage of opportunities arising from new technological trends and sociocultural preferences concerning the fully-integrated, mobile digital lifestyle. (3) 3. SWOT ANALSIS AND OBJECTIVES S. W. O. T. ANALYSIS Strengths: Relationship with OEMs Apple has outsourced all of its manufacturing processes to OEM partners in China, like Foxconn and Hon Hai Precision Industry while focusing on design internally. * Apple store – New product needs a nice sale place. The Apple stores have provided the company with an important physical presence to act as both a sales location and an advertisement. * Industrial Design Capability Apple’s incredible industrial design capability is a function of t heir innovative design teams, and the firm’s prioritization of design and outsourced production. 2) Weakness: * Price Having premium products means that those products can be expensive for many consumers. The expensive of products is a major turnoff for consumers who are looking for a product of minimal quality standards. The new product needs to control the price. Opportunities: * International Expansion – Apple’s product sales all over the world, it will bring a large market for new product. Strong international presence and expansion should increase growth and profits. New Home-automation system is a new service for the market and customer, it can also extends to new office automation technology. Threats: * Global Slowdown A global slowdown or recession will hurt all companies, but mostly those whose products sell in economies that experience the worst declines. Especially multinational corporations like Apple. * Currency Volatility As the US dollar chang es in value, this creates uncertainty in contract negotiations. If the dollar were to change after a contract was signed, then one party to the contract would lose out on gains and the other party would win. . MARKETING OBJECTIVES Home-automation system’s main and most important objective is to establish a new, effective, and has not been developed over market, while increasing Apple’s brand awareness. REFERENCE 1. scribd. com/doc/24134877/Strategic-Analysis-of-Apple-Inc-Brian-Masi 2. wikiwealth. com/swot-analysis:aapl 3. Apple Inc. Apple and the Environment Apple Inc. , 2009. Web, 28 Nov. 2009. apple. com/environment/news/. New Product Management

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Substance of Justice Assignment - Sex Offender Records

The Substance of Justice - Sex Offender Records - Assignment Example The sentence for this offence is highest among the penalties subjected to sex offenders. Indecency with a minor is another offence. It involves exposing an adult’s private parts in front of children. In addition, touching the genital of a person of the opposite sex without consent is a sex offence documented in the State department for public safety. Unfortunately, sex offences are mostly targeted at children. In the registry, most of the victims are under the age of 16. It is disturbing to note that male adults sexually harass children aged as low as 7 years. However, there are cases of male adults harassing elderly women with a sample case of an assault on a woman aged 71. The assaults on middle aged women are minimal. Sex offenders are deemed to be dangerous to the community. Actually, I wouldn’t feel safe living among sex offenders. However, taking into consideration the rights of each individual to live in a free country without discrimination lures me to rebel against the stigma that sex offenders are subjected to. Human being are prone to change if given a chance. The community should thus integrate them into the society and engage them if they desire to live normally (King 61). Sex offender records are damaging to the self-esteem and also the future of the convicts after parole. When records remain in the public domain, the offenders are prone to prejudice, and stigma from the public. Integration into the society seems hard to them due to the records. In this regard, the department of public safety should have the records of paroled individual erased if they pose no threat. The cause of the offence each individual committed should be the starting point in gauging the validity of the information in the database. Despite the proposition to erase the criminal records of individuals, there are records that are necessary for public safety. Paroled criminals who have a high chance of repeating the crime

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Private prisons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Private prisons - Research Paper Example Governments do consider the benefits and drawbacks of Private Prisons and pros and cons are always analyzed all the time. The arguments in favor and against the case of private prisons revolve around money matters. Some advocates believe that it diminishes the overhead cost for federal and state agencies. Opponents are of the idea that private prisons will not have quality staff or security, lack of excellent maintenance and building, and also probable delays of letting the community know of the convict’s flight (Moore). When a state transfers convicts to private prison, there are many rooms inside the state prisons for more prisoners or right space for prisoners who were already present there. This state prison saves the money which is spent on supplies bought for the current convicts living there and also can diminish potential violence because whole living tension is reduced. When a private company goes bankrupt, all the doors are shut down. This results in possible prematu re release of violent prisoners. The whole amount of money that federal government gives to private firm to run the operations of a prison can be reduced if government can carry on the activities of prison by itself. Lower labor costs which are an aftermath of public prisons are also a factor. Most public service employees receive more in wages that is salary and the benefits in comparison to private employees. These wages are almost more than half of the overall operating expenses that a prison bears. Most private organizations still give the same salary as do the federal governments. But the health care, overtime payments and claims for compensation are usually lower for private prisons (Bledsoe, 2013). Private firms are better when it comes down to performance as compared to publicly owned prisons. They bear the claim that as the contracts they make with governments can be canceled any time, so they work on their best to provide better service than the public prisons. This usuall y means that privately owned prisons are mostly safer as compared to publicly owned prisons, and living conditions in them are better as well. Mostly, it is the prisoners’ rehabilitation that is the most noticeable quality of private prisons. Budget Predictions are much easier when it comes to publicly owned prisons. Federal governments, when working with private enterprises, have a good prediction of right cost to bolster each prisoner each day. This also assists in analysis when grant is requested. The challenge that privately owned prisons pose is that they increase their fees or allow raise expenditures for other activities and create a strain for the state financially. Private prisons pose a threat to the state in the sense that governments become too much reliant on the private organizations for a prison. This leads to high costs of operating such prison because private firms sometimes tend to work with lesser efficiency as they promised before. When governments become too much reliant on private enterprises, the cost increases a lot (Michael, 2013). All the prison services do not have money to increase the size of the building as the population of convicts grows. The amenities offered by private prison have the capacity to increase the size of their buildings so that they can arrange the building parts so that they can be utilized for different purposes. For instance, a huge room with a closed room can be used as a gym or a dormitory. This is easily achieved in