Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Backup Free Essays

Backup or backing up refers to the process of making copies of data to save and restore the original data incase of loss event also known as disaster recovery. Backup is so important in view of the fact that loss of data often happen in most machine users as their computers are habitually in the high risk of going wrong, failure in the hard disk does happen. The most common problems today that may result in loss of data are the threat to viruses. We will write a custom essay sample on Backup or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although some viruses do not affect the file or the computer itself, some does and may even infect the hard disks of your computer resulting in data loss. David Smith estimated that 6% of all the personal computers suffer data loss every year (Boston Computing Network, 2010). Also, about 31% of PC users have experience data loss due to uncontrollable events (Boston Computing Network, 2010). When do you take backup (daily, weekly, on significant changes to data)? I personally do not set a specific schedule for backing up files because it has my habit to save a copy of important data. I also backup files when I make changes to them and so there is no need to have a schedule time for taking backup of files. In case of accidental loss of data, I do not have to worry since I have copies of all the files that are important to me. Do you schedule backups automatically? If so how? If not, how can you be sure to do them? No, I do not schedule automatic backups. As I have mentioned, it has been my habit to take backups whenever significant changes are made to my files. Thus, I am certain to have copies of all the files that I need. How do you take backup – manually, using the Copy facilities in the Windows Explorer? If so, describe the process; or do you have some other backup program? If so, what is it, and why do you like to use it? I take backups manually. I have to plug the storage device and manually save the data in order to create copies of it. I do not use back programs since I do not view taking backup as a task but rather I see it as an enjoyable thing to do since it gives me the certainly that in cases of data loss, I always have a copy. Where do you store the backup files (ie on what device and in what physical location) and why did you make that choice? Include costs, if any)? I have two primary devices used for data storage; flash disk and external hard disk. I used the flask disk for files that require changing in a short period of time, mostly school stuffs. On the other hand, I use the external hard disk for files that I rarely use as well as for large volume files. Still, I also use CDR’s for data that I wish not to be changed, mostly program files and installers. In the case that I am employed and required to use my personal computer for work related task, the only threat that I see is the privacy which can easily be handled by organizing files and folders. I believe that there would be no significant changes that must be done but I would need another hard disk in order to maintain that organization of my files. My original hard disk will be used for the backups of my personal files while the other will be used for work related documents. I would also have to change the allotment on my PC in order to cope with the changes. I will have to create partitions on the disks in order separate personal to work use: one partition for work use, one for personal use and another extra partition for other files. My flash disk would serve the same purpose as before, for files that often requires changes but both for personal and work related task. Thus, the only cost associated with the changes is another external hard disk for work related files as well as the time for making necessary changes. How to cite Backup, Papers

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